2025 Parish Officers

Filling in this form will be easiest if you have all contact information for your parish officers at hand before you begin. These contact details are used to communicate important information with your parish officers. Accuracy is the responsibility of the parish rector or priest/lay person-in-charge. The email of the person completing the form is required.
Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Please select all that apply.
Lay Delegates to Synod

Please be sure to confirm the number of delegates your parish is entitled to.

*All delegates must have an email address by which they can be contacted to receive communications regarding synods including registration.*
People's Warden

Synod Delegate #2

Synod Delegate #3

Synod Delegate #4

Synod Delegate #5

Synod Delegate #6

Synod Delegate #7

Synod Delegate #8

Alternate Synod Delegate

Alternate Synod Delegate #2



Filling in this form will be easiest if you have all contact information for your parish officers at hand before you begin. These contact details are used to communicate important information with your parish officers. Accuracy is the responsibility of the parish rector or priest/lay person-in-charge. The email of the person completing the form is required.